Sunday, December 30, 2007
Power of the Mob
They seem to only care about whether a story is good for the image of their candidate so they try to bury negative stories about their candidate. The most recent story is this one where The Information Paradox links to a YouTube video where Ron Paul says he does not accept the theory of evolution. Anybody who watches the clip will hear him say those words categorically yet, his supporters maybe because they cannot bury the story has labeled the story as "possibly inaccurate."
How juvenile can you get? Your candidate says the words himself in the video how much more accurate can you get?
And if these are the kinds of supporters a candidate has, what can we think of the candidate himself?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
High School Reunion
The St. James Academy, Malabon Metro Manila batch 1986 will be having a reunion today, December 29, 2007. Frankly, I was not interested in attending the reunion but the friends that I did make in those years persuaded me to attend.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Worth Dying For
This year, Benazir Bhutto,two time Prime Minister of Pakistan returned to her native land to try and re-establish Democracy in her country. She lasted several months before an assassin killed her yesterday.
They both knew that it was a possibility that they will be assassinated once they return to their native lands, but they persisted. In the words of Benigno Aquino, Jr. the "Filipino is worth dying for". Pakistani's, for Benazir Bhutto are also worth dying for.
Ms. Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomber, to the bomber however, he was dying not for his people, but for his religion. And that is a tragedy, Ms. Bhutto and Mr. Aquino died trying to give people more freedom, the bomber was trying to take away people's freedom.
Filipino's as a response to Mr. Aquino's heroism rose up and rejected the dictatorship of President Marcos. I can only hope that the people of Pakistan will also draw strength and inspiration from Ms. Bhutto's heroism to reject religious fundamentalism and dictatorship and establish a truly democratic society.
Rally sa Manila Pen
Di ba? Kala ko matapang si Senador Trillanes, hindi pala niya kayang pangatawanan ang kanyang mga aksyon. Kala ko galit sila sa mga legal maneuverings ng mga politiko at mayayaman na may mga kaso, ganun din pala ang gagawin niya.
Criticizing Priests
The PDI reports that
"A civil society group that has turned critical of Governor Eddie Panlilio has asked Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto to inform Catholics and Christians in the province on the status of Panlilio, a priest, in the Roman Catholic Church."They are now trying to ascertain whether Governor Panlilio is still a priest or whether he can return to the priesthood after his term of office. The article does not mention however, what the heck is their problem with Governor Panlilio . Is he a corrupt Governor? Is he inept? How does his priesthood affect negatively his performance in office?
Without details, this is just an ad hominem attack on Governor Panlilio for being a priest.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pakistan' Benazir Bhutto killed
read more | digg story
Monday, December 24, 2007
Pro Thaksin Party Wins Thai Elections
The obvious questions are:
Can Thaksin actually return to power in Thailand?
What will the generals do if he does?
What can Thaksin do to the generals if he does?
But the most interesting part of the story to me is this the description of the Chart Thai party:
"The party is known popularly as "the eel" because of its history of slippery alliances based more on political convenience than ideology."Who the heck votes for a party that is known for acts on political convenience rather than ideology? Most Philippine parties are actually like that but at least they pay lip service to being pro poor and pro-Filipino. How does a party like that campaign?
I think were missing something that will make Chart Thai's role in Thai politics more intelligible.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Church logic
“Surveys favoring contraceptives will not alter the Church’s position and insistence in teaching the objective moral laws regarding the dignity of human life and family,”like moral law has ever stopped anyone determined to sin. Then they tried to poison the well.
"Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, the CBCP spokesperson, called the survey “deceptive,” saying that it was done to “fit their own agenda.”"So what? As Senator Osmena answered when asked if he commissioned the Pulse Asia survey that labeled President Arroyo as the most corrupt President of the Philippines ever, "Yes. Any problem?" Or as the Executive Director of Pulse Asia responded "The results are independent of who commissioned it,". If there are any criticisms, it should be specific to the survey itself. Were the questions asked leading questions? Were the distribution of the respondents random? etc.
Then theres this bizarre quote position
"“Life begins in the womb. How can you become pro-life if you kill a baby?” said Quitorio."I just don't know how to begin answering this statement. Should I point out that according to Catholic teachings, God forgives so that one may kill a baby and still be pro-life. Or that according to the bible, God has commanded many babies to be killed, which makes God pro-choice? There is also the problem of sin of omission and commission, if you can prevent the death of someone but did not act, that is still a sin, and a sin that according to Catholic doctrine is on par with abortion. Of course, according to my theology teacher in high school, just thinking about a sinful act is the same as committing the act itself. :)
But the worst part is the outright lie.
"Quitorio said condoms could not stop the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus which causes the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS.Ok, let's be generous and say it was a misinformed statement. But he is the spokesperson for the largest religion in the Philippines, he should at least read something on the mater before pontificating on it. According to
He cited the case of Thailand, where the widespread use of condoms did not stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.
“Like in Thailand, they’re using it but AIDS is still proliferating,” said Quitorio."
"There are very few developing countries in the world where public policy has been effective in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS on a national scale, but Thailand is an exception. A massive programme to control HIV has reduced visits to commercial sex workers by half, raised condom usage, decreased the prevalence of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) dramatically, and achieved substantial reductions in new HIV infections. 1So, condom use is not the problem why AIDS cases are again rising in Thailand, its complacency by the Government and the the people themselves. The anti-HIV program in Thailand has been so successful that people seem to have forgotten the lessons learned in the 1990's. This assessment is echoed by Time Magazine.
Thailand, though, is also a reminder that success can be relative. Its well funded, politically supported and comprehensive prevention programmes have saved millions of lives, reducing the number of new HIV infections from 143,000 in 1991 to 19,000 in 2003. 2 Nonetheless, more than one-in-100 adults in this country of 65 million people is infected with HIV, and AIDS has become a leading cause of death. 3
Unless past efforts are sustained and new sources of infection are addressed, the striking achievements made in controlling the epidemic could now be put at risk. Factors such as an increase in risky sexual behaviour and a rising number of STI cases have led to concerns that Thailand could face a resurgence of HIV and AIDS in coming years. The government has decreased funding for AIDS prevention programmes significantly, and there are signs that public awareness is waning. Complacency - among both the government and the public – poses a real threat to the fight against AIDS in Thailand. 4"
"Several factors have contributed to the worsening trends. "We have become complacent," says Mechai Viravaidya, (a.k.a. Mr. Condom), a senator and the principle architect of Thailand's successful anti-AIDS program of the 1990s. "People think because they can't see HIV anymore that we have it kicked, and they are taking risks again." Following the Asia-wide economic crash of 1997, successive Thai governments have slashed budgets for prevention programs to less than half their 1997 levels. Condom funding is down, education programs in schools have ended, and the media campaign has all but disappeared. Meanwhile, other avenues of infection—such as drug users sharing needles and men having sex with other men—have been largely ignored.HIV/AIDS has been largely contained. The new AIDS drugs can prolong the life of an infected person, we can also say the same thing for some cancers, but we still would not want people to be afflicted with them. Condom can prevent a young person from contracting AIDS, not approving it's use is a sin.
And in an understandable but no less ironic twist of fate, the advent of effective anti-HIV drugs has lulled folks at all levels of society into dropping their guard against HIV—just as it did in the U.S. and other countries. "This government has done a good job on treatment and care," says Dr. Praphan Phanupak of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. "But they have to get back into prevention. There needs to be a balance [between treatment and prevention] if you want to contain this virus.""
Thursday, December 13, 2007
onset Alzheimer's.
Thanks to Pharyngula
Trillanes the Trapo
"Just more than a month ago, Senator Trillanes broke that campaign pledge.Note: I am not saying that pork barrel allocations or using pork barrel funds is bad. I think there are valid arguments for allowing pork barrel allocations. I'm just sick of people basically using pork barrel allocations as the symbol of all that is wrong in Philippine politics, yet use them when they are elected into office. If they are wrong per se, then, even if you are doing good projects, then you are contributing to a higher evil.
He asked for the release of P100 million of his pork barrel, citing projects that included help for poor patients and infrastructure. His lawyer and chief of staff Reynaldo Robles confirmed that Trillanes indeed made that request despite a previous declaration that he would not touch his pork. He changed his mind, Robles said, upon the advice of “people from the Senate, his consultants, and myself.” If he didn’t use it, Robles reasoned out, somebody would.
Surely Trillanes knew that long before he was elected senator, that if he didn’t use his pork somebody would? What was he thinking when he made that campaign pledge, that he could justify breaking it as long as the situation called for it? For that seems to be his emerging track record now, justifying everything—including a sloppy tactical plan at The Pen—as long as he felt that the situation called for it."
PBA in Action
"Basketball is the only professional team sport in the Philippines and plays an enormous role in society. A basketball court, along with an outdoor market, a Catholic church, and a municipal hall, is a hallmark of every town plaza in the archipelago. Even against the starkest odds, Filipinos find ways to play the game. They cut, slide, pivot, and leap in flip-flops or bare feet. They attach wire rims to rusty car hoods and lash the homemade backboards onto coconut trees.Now I wish I did not stop watching PBA games.
PBA players are as famous as movie stars and politicians; in fact, after they retire from playing ball, they often become one or the other. On the surface, Ellis' life as an import in this hoops-obsessed nation is sweet. The Alaska franchise provides Ellis with an apartment, a maid, a car, and a driver. He makes more money in a month than most Filipino families earn in a year. When fans spot him in malls and restaurants, they call him "idol," ask for high fives and autographs, and take photos with him.
Notoriety feels good once you're used to it. Although African Americans have been in the Philippines since some arrived as soldiers in the Philippine-American War at the end of the 19th century, tall black athletes in Manila are still exotic. Upon seeing Ellis, people occasionally act like visitors at a petting zoo. When he wanders through the aisles of one of Manila's labyrinthine flea markets, browsing for pirated DVDs or knockoff designer clothes, people wait for him to turn his back, then run behind him to measure their heights. The boldest among them reach up to feel his hair, an object of endless fascination among straight-haired Filipinos."
Nakuha sa E-mail
- They were only gonna stay for a 'short time' anyway
- Bishop Labayen and Fr. Robert Reyes could have heard **confessions
- They could have wet the towels in the jacuzzi to combat tear gas
- There are no wedding receptions in Victoria Court. Only honeymoons.
- It always has more people than Manila Pen
- The APC won't know which garage to park
- The ceiling mirrors would have thrown off the raiding party.
- ABS-CBN could have done an episode of XXX and The Buzz while covering the coup
- 'What happens in Victoria Court stays in Victoria court
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Traveler IQ Challenge
Monday, December 03, 2007
"Conspiracy Theory: Maybe Sen. Trillanes is actually in cahoots with the President so they can impose their creeping Martial Law."Now I find out that, no matter how absurd the conspiracy theory is, some people will be thinking it. Former Commodore Rex Robles today opined that:
"Problema dito sa ginagawa ni Sonny Trillanes nagmumukha kampi siya ng Malacañang. Hindi natin alam kung ano ang totoo kasi gagalaw siya ng galaw na napakahina tapos lalabas na malakas sa Malacanang (The problem with the way Sonny Trillanes's acted was he looked like he was with Malacañang. We don't really know what's the truth because he carried out a weak plot, which made MalacañangKaya ang tanong niya ay
look stronger),"
"So our question now is which side Trillanes is really with. Is he really Gloria Arroyo's enemy or ally?"This theory trumps Sen. Trilanes' own conspiracy theory that National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and AFP Chief of Staff Hermogenes Esperon were behind the Glorietta blast. :)
Disjointed Thinking
Look at what Amando Doronilla wrote today.
"The mutineers surrounded themselves with media people, all aching to report a good story. Trillanes and Lim used them as shields. They knew the media shield provided them immunity from violence. They knew that government forces could not assault them without slaughtering media people. That would have provoked international outrage against the Arroyo administration."He recognized that Trillanes and Lim used the media people covering their fiasco as human shields yet, he concluded that.
"The charge that media people were obstructing police operations does not wash and is a poor excuse."If media people were being used as human shields so that "government forces could not assault (Lim and Trillanes)... then how can you say that "media people obstructing police operations does not wash?"
And then he makes what almost all the media people I've read and heard have argued.
"Their official IDs should be sufficient to identify media people. They should not be subjected to political loyalty test. This restriction is unwarranted and unacceptable, a breach of journalistic freedom and responsibility to serve the public right to know."Which is just a plea for special treatment because they are media people. They were witnesses, possible accomplices, what were the police supposed to do. Take their word for it? Would the media countenance the police taking the word of anybody else? Would that be good police work?
The Art of BS: How to Succeed on Papers & Essays
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Chilean Prostitute Auctions 27 Hours of Sex for Charity
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Friday, November 30, 2007
The Five Stages of (Causing) Grief
Can the police have used lesser force? Probably, but why should they? You have Sen. Trillanes and his lawyers saying on television that they are prepared to die for their cause, you prepare for the worst. You try to overpower them, anything less and you endanger the civilians and the policemen trying to suppress the coup plotters.
But those criticizing the strategy seem to criticize the strategy of storming the plotters themselves, they seem to prefer the Oakwood strategy of wooing the plotters out of the building with another agreement between them.
That is bullshit, Sen. Trillanes does not deserve to be treated in a special way, this is the second time he tried this, why should he be treated with kid gloves again. Wooing them out of the building is giving them another forum to air their demands and inflates their egos. They should be treated like the coup plotters they are.
Common Criminal
Hypocrisy anyone?
Manuel Roxas, coup apologist
“This incident almost led to bloodshed, had it not been for the decision of Senator Trillanes and company to stand down."Did he forget that this incident happened because Sen. Trillanes decided to walk out of his hearing, call for a People power revolution and replace the existing government structure with a caretaker government, barricade himself and his supporters inside the Manila Peninsula.
How can Sen. Roxas then say that the peaceful resolution of the incident should be credited to the actions of Sen. Trillanes? He doesn't want to anger the supporters of Sen. Trillanes who will be voting in the next election. Well he just angered at least one voter who was favorably inclined to consider voting for him.
PAHIMAKAS (Mi Ultimo Adios)
Lupang iniirog ng sikat ng araw,
mutyang mahalaga sa dagat Silangan,
kaluwalhatiang sa ami'y pumanaw.
Masayang sa iyo'y aking idudulot
ang lanta kong buhay na lubhang malungkot;
maging maringal man at labis alindog
sa kagalingan mo ay aking ding handog.
Sa pakikidigma at pamimiyapis
ang alay ng iba'y ang buhay na kipkip,
walang agam-agam, maluag sa dibdib,
matamis sa puso at di ikahapis.
Saan man mautas ay dikailangan,
cipres o laurel, lirio ma'y patungan
pakikipaghamok, at ang bibitayan,
yaon ay gayon din kung hiling ng Bayan.
Ako'y mamamatay, ngayong namamalas
na sa silinganan ay namamanaag
yaong maligayang araw na sisikat
sa likod ng luksang nagtabing na ulap.
Ang kulay na pula kung kinakailangan
na maitina sa iyong liwayway,
dugo ko'y isabong at siyang ikinang
ng kislap ng iyong maningning na ilaw
Ang aking adhika sapul magkaisip
ng kasalukuyang bata pang maliit,
ay ang tanghaling ka at minsan masilip
sa dagat Silangan hiyas na marikit.
Natuyo ang luhang sa mata'y nunukal,
taas na ang noo't walang kapootan,
walang bakas kunot ng kapighatian
gabahid man dungis niyong kahihiyan.
Sa kabuhayang ko ang laging gunita
maningas na aking ninanasa-nasa
ay guminhawa ka ang hiyas ng diwa
pag hingang papanaw ngayong biglang-bigla.
Ikaw'y guminhawa laking kagandahang
akoy malugmok, at ikaw ay matanghal,
hiniga'y malagot, mabuhay ka lamang
bangkay ko'y masilong sa iyong Kalangitan.
Kung sa libingan ko'y tumubong mamalas
sa malagong damo mahinhing bulaklak,
sa mga labi mo'y mangyayaring itapat,
sa kaluluwa ko hatik ay igawad.
At sa aking noo nawa'y iparamdam,
sa lamig ng lupa ng aking libingan,
ang init ng iyong paghingang dalisay
at simoy ng iyong paggiliw na tunay.
Bayaang ang buwan sa aki'y ititig
ang iwanag niyang lamlam at tahimik,
liwayway bayaang sa aki'y ihatid
magalaw na sinag at hanging hagibis.
Kung sakasakaling bumabang humantong
sa krus ko'y dumapo kahit isang ibon
doon ay bayaan humuning hinahon
at dalitin niya payapang panahon.
Bayaan ang ningas ng sikat ng araw
ula'y pasingawin noong kainitan,
magbalik sa langit ng boong dalisay
kalakip ng aking pagdaing na hiyaw.
Bayaang sino man sa katotang giliw
tangisang maagang sa buhay pagkitil;
kung tungkol sa akin ay may manalangin
idalangin, Bayan, yaring pagka himbing.
Idalanging lahat yaong nangamatay,
mangagatiis hirap na walang kapantay;
mga ina naming walang kapalaran
na inihihibik ay kapighatian.
Ang mga bao't pinapangulila,
ang mga bilanggong nagsisipagdusa;
dalanginin namang kanilang makita
ang kalayaan mong, ikagiginhawa.
At kung an madilim na gabing mapanglaw
ay lumaganap na doon sa libinga't
tanging mga patay ang nangaglalamay,
huwag bagabagin ang katahimikan.
Ang kanyang hiwagay huwag gambalain;
kaipala'y maringig doon ang taginting,
tunog ng gitara't salterio'y mag saliw,
ako, Bayan yao't kita'y aawitin.
Kung ang libingan ko'y limot na ng lahat
at wala ng kurus at batang mabakas,
bayaang linangin ng taong masipag,
lupa'y asarolin at kauyang ikalat.
At mga buto ko ay bago matunaw
mauwi sa wala at kusang maparam,
alabok ng iyong latag ay bayaang
siya ang babalang doo'y makipisan.
Kung magka gayon na'y aalintanahin
na ako sa limot iyong ihabilin
pagka't himpapawid at ang panganorin
mga lansangan mo'y aking lilibutins.
Matining na tunog ako sa dingig mo,
ilaw, mga kulay, masamyong pabango,
ang ugong at awit, pag hibik sa iyo,
pag asang dalisay ng pananalig ko.
Bayang iniirog, sakit niyaring hirap,
Katagalugang ko pinakaliliyag,
dinggin mo ang aking pagpapahimakas;
diya'y iiwan ko sa iyo ang lahat.
Ako'y patutungo sa walang busabos,
walang umiinis at berdugong hayop;
pananalig doo'y di nakasasalot,
si Bathala lamang dooy haring lubos.
Paalam, magulang at mga kapatid
kapilas ng aking kaluluwa't dibdib
mga kaibigan bata pang maliit
sa aking tahanan di na masisilip.
Pag pasasalamat at napahinga rin,
paalam estranherang kasuyo ko't aliw,
paalam sa inyo, mga ginigiliw;
mamatay ay siyang pagkakagupiling!
translated by: Gat Andres Bonifacio
from Wikipedia
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Special Thank You to the Police
So I am thanking the policy and military for the very professional and competent way they handled the situation.
Special Privilege
"Never in the turbulent recent history of the Philippines has any government, including that of Ferdinand Marcos, ever taken into custody members of the media who were on the scene to do their jobs.The first paragraph is the "it was not done before so it must be wrong defense". Much like Sen. Saguisag's defense of President Estrada, no Philippine President was charged with corruption before so charging President Estrada must be wrong. Just because it was not done before does not mean it is not a good idea, and if you think about it for a minute, it is a good idea to get the statements of all people involved in a crime scene whether they are guilty or not. In fact, this should be the standard operating procedure of the police.
But the arrest of the media people who were covering the take-over of the Peninsula Hotel by Senator Antonio Trillanes’ Magdalo group is not only unprecedented. It is also an outrage, and a telling indication of the authoritarian depths into which the Arroyo regime has fallen in its obsession with political dominance. The Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility condemns this latest attack on the Philippine press as an assault not only on its Constitutionally-protected freedom, but also on democracy itself.
The arrests took place when the crisis was over, and Trillanes and company were already in police custody. The arrests can only be interpreted as one more attempt, together with libel suits and other harassments, to intimidate the Philippine press into either minimal or less aggressive reporting of political events. Media practitioners will remember this incident well, and some are likely to be affected enough to soften future coverage.
The Defense Secretary’s excuse that the police had to verify the identities of the media people covering the Peninsula Hotel crisis because there could be Magdalo members and sympathizers among them is totally unacceptable. Their identities were verifiable on-site, with some them being TV anchors well-known to millions of television viewers.
That members of the media, among them technical personnel and camerapersons as well as radio broadcasters and TV anchors, were being arrested at the very moment that Mrs. Arroyo was on the air describing her commitment to democracy was especially ironic. But it was also typical of the Arroyo regime’s rhetorical and contrived adherence to democracy and the rule of law.
The regime’s continuing assault on press freedom, free expression and freedom of assembly, of which this incident is only the latest, deserves condemnation. CMFR calls on all media, free expression and journalists’ groups in this country as well as abroad to denounce this atrocity as a willful act to inflict collateral damage on the Philippine press for doing its mandated responsibility of providing the sovereign public the information it needs."
Then they go to the "it is an attack on media freedom" argument. How can getting statements from reporters who witnessed a crime be an attack on media freedom? And even as the reporters were being herded into the buses, ABS-CBN and GMA 7 were televising the whole event. All of their guests were unanimous in saying that they will only be detained until their identity is established. Where is the attack in that? Are reporters so privileged that they cannot now be questioned by the police regarding a crime they witnessed?
In fact this is argument the CMFR makes when it argues that the reporters should not have been brought to Camp
The life of a journalist in the Philippines is hard and dangerous enough, and they will encounter a lot of problems. But this is not one of them.
It was not done before...
But the fact that it was not done before does not necessarily mean that it is wrong to do so. Is it wrong to try and identify who the real reporters are? Is it wrong to ask the reporters what they saw to establish evidence against the coup plotters?
Conspiracy Theory: Maybe Sen. Trillanes is actually in cahoots with the President so they can impose their creeping Martial Law.
Sabi ni Gen. Razon, exempted yung public transport sa curfew, exempted din yung mga magta-trabaho sa call center, pati yung mga mag-biyahe galing sa probinsiya, at yung kailangang humabol sa eroplano. Pero sarado yung mga bars sa Malate. :)
Update 2:
Here is the official guidelines for the curfew. I was also watching Atty. Lambino being interviewed in ANC and it is her opinion that the announced curfew is void because there is no applicable law allowing it. Here is the PCIJ story on the curfew
I would have been more sympathetic to their cause if I can get myself to trust Sen. Trillanes. But I can't, he has tried to overthrow a government that he does not approve off twice, how can we be sure that he will not do so again, even if it was a government that he helped form?
Another thing, they say that the Chief Justice will lead the caretaker government, but we don't know who will rule. Who will govern, how can we be sure that an un-elected government that has just demonstrated that they are willing to circumvent the democratic process to get what they want will actually follow the democratic process.
Dictatorship is not an alternative to democracy.
Tapos na
Pinaparatangan nila ngayon ang gobyerno na may sala dahil ni-teargas nila ang mga tao na nasa loob ng Manila Peninsula. Sabi niTrillanes napaka ruthless daw ng gobyerno na ni-teargas sila para matapos na ang kanilang coup o baka mas hysterics ang tamang kataga.
Kaya daw sila lalabas ay dahil sa mga sibilyan para hindi sila masaktan. Hindi nila naisip na kung hindi sila nag walk out sa kanilang hearing at ni-occupy ang Manila Peninsula hindi malalagay sa panganib ang mga sinasabi nilang sibilyan.
Obligatory Marx quote again
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”Actually tragi-comic na nga yung Oakwood, ngayon nakakatawa na lang sila.
Hihintayin daw nila na mag disperse ang teargas bago sila lumabas.
Nagsasalita na lang si Trillanes at mga kasama niya ng propaganda. Nasa diyaryo na naman si Trillanes bukas.
Disagreeing with AKBAYAN
Yes, the incident in Makati should not be surprising, but not because of the "abuses committed by the GMA administration", but because coup plotters in the Philippines have always got away with it. From former Senator Tolentino, to Sen. Honasan to Sen. Trillanes, Filipino's have awarded them with high public office.
The fact that Sen. Trillanes was not allowed to serve as a Senator is a should not be an issue. He was charged with a crime and it was ruled that he cannot be allowed to leave his confinement. And apparently, if we go be todays events, the court was correct to rule that way. Not being allowed to serve was always a possibility since Sen. Trillanes already had charges against him while he ran for office, 11 million Filipinos rolled the dice and still voted for him. They lost the bet.
This is a patent grab for political power, they called for the President and Vice-President to resign and called for people to go to Makati and support them. This should be treated a a coup plot and should be resolved as a coup plot. With Sen. Trillanes again thrown in jail and additional cases brought against him.
The Manila Peninsula should also give Sen. Trillanes the bill for his occupation of the hotel and the lost revenues from the departure of the hotel guests.
AKBAYAN Execom Statement
The incident unfolding in Makati City today is not surprising. It is a logical conclusion to the abuses committed by the GMA administration, from the dismissal of the impeachment complaint to the clamp down of democratic and constitutional processes.
The situation is a result of the refusal of the government to address allegations of fraud and corruption squarely. The administration has evaded and manipulated constitutional processes to hold GMA accountable for allegations of monumental fraud. It compromised attempts to investigate with impartiality allegations of corruption involving the NBN deal; what we have witnessed instead is the brazen giving of pay-offs to legislators and local government officials. It manipulated the military and used coercion to persecute the opposition, as evidenced by the spate of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances..
Sen. Trillanes is an elected public official, and his mandate to serve is clear and not clouded by cheating and electoral fraud. He was elected with 11 million votes, and even the Senate, through a resolution, affirmed his right to represent his constituency and voted in favor of his serving as Senator. His election reflected the predominantly anti-administration sentiment of the people, and yet the GMA government continued persecuting him and the Magdalo soldiers, with their politically-motivated trial dragging for four years and Sen. Trillanes himself blocked from serving in the Senate.
The nation must root out the problems that have led to this incident. The ‘Hello Garci’ controversy, the onerous NBN deal, the alleged bribery of legislators and governors, the sham impeachment complaint filed against GMA, and the politically-motivated trial of soldiers involved in the Oakwood mutiny fueled this confrontation, and the crisis would continue to fester as long as the corruption charges and legitimacy questions leveled against the GMA administration are not resolved with credibility.
AKBAYAN urges all forces to seek a peaceful and civilian solution to this incident. We must avoid bloodshed at all cost, and democratic solutions to this problem are only possible through non-violent means. No deadline should be imposed on the Magdalo soldiers since it would only create a climate conducive to a bloody confrontation between the soldiers. A deadline should be imposed for the realization of democratic, peaceful, and credible resolutions to political crisis, and not on a crisis situation that could potentially be violent.
We warn the administration against the use of force to end the situation. The withdrawal of support has so far been peaceful, and the AFP and PNP must not initiate a violent response to the crisis. We warn the government against using the situation to enforce authoritarian measures against the opposition and the public in general.
We support efforts for negotiation to avoid bloodshed. However, negotiations must be founded on a more lasting resolution to the conflict: a credible closure to the allegations of fraud and corruption against the GMA administration, an end to extrajudicial killings, and the strengthening of our democracy.
Akbayan Execom
People Power ni Trillanes
Trillanes tries another coup
"A group of soldiers led by Senator Antonio Trillanes and Brigadier General Danilo Lim has called on the security forces to withdraw support from the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo."After this, the senate should just expel the bum. Anybody who would try to subvert the will of the people after being elected by the same people should be thrown out of his elected position.
Have you heard...
Dispatches from the Culture Wars have the story with this comment from kesham.
"Between this guy and the lawyers demonstrating in Pakistan, they're going to ruin the image of the profession. Who is he billing for all this activism?"
Friday, November 23, 2007
"All 21 members of the Pampanga Mayors League did not attend the meeting of the Provincial Development Council that Gov. Eddie Panlilio convened here on Friday to discuss the investment plan for 2008."
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Another Lacson Claim
This after he previously claimed that the cash hand-out came from "the P1-billion intelligence funds of the Police Security Protection Office (PSPO) and the Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response (PACER) ."
This time, the PDI sort of called him on it by remarking that Sen. Lacson "offered no documents to back up his claim." and reminded it's readers that "Lacson previously claimed that the cash gifts were sourced from the Philippine National Police’s counterinsurgency funds."
Of course, the only thing that matters to Sen. Lacson is that he is again in the news, and people perceive him as being a fiscalizer to the government.
The DBM refutes Sen. Lacson's latest claim.
"Budget Secretary Rolando Andaya said on radio that the department did not have the capacity to directly disburse such amount to the account of a private person."
It's Official
"Chief Superintendent Luizo Ticman , who heads the multi-agency task force that investigated the explosion at Glorietta 2, said there was no evidence which indicated that an improvised explosive device had been used."I can't wait to see what the Glorietta truthers response will be. I predict it will be more of the same conspiracy theory with no evidence but with more conspiracy.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
109,263 Errors found in Texas math textbooks
"One second-grade math book, for example, has 4 plus 7 equaling 10, the San Antonio Express-News reported Friday. SMRT."HIndi lang pala tayo may ganitong problema pero
"The math books are expected to be error-free by the time classes begin. For every error that is not caught, the State Board of Education fines publishers $5,000, the newspaper said."read more | digg story
Friday, November 16, 2007
Witness 2
Adding to Mr. Laurel's paranoia is Sen. Trillanes' witness Abdul Rahman aka Ronald Ramos who we last heard claiming that he "cased" Glorietta for a special operations group of National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales. Which convinced him that "the surveillance job is linked to the Glorietta blast". No matter that no bomb materials were found in the scene.
Now, Mr. Abdul Rahman has expanded on his story. He now claims that along with 7 other people
"He ... had specific orders to case certain places for possible bombing targets even as he said he had reported to his bosses that the House of Representatives has a lax security and that the best place to lodge a bomb in Congress was at the parking lot and at the Speaker’s podium at the plenary hall."He further claims that they had
"instruction from their superiors was to “case” certain buildings for possible bombing targets to create a scene of unrest and to blame the incident on the RSM."and that Secretary Gonzales himself told him to “Do your job properly.”
So let me get this straight. Secretary Gonzales, is ruthless enough to kill his own countrymen, including members of Congress. Intelligent and wily enough to blame the Ayala group for the explosion in Glorietta and cover-up the presence of the bomb conspiring with or befuddling the PNP, the Australian Forensic Police and the FBI. Possibly blame political enemies of the Akbars for the Congressional bombing and cover up the truth again with the PNP and possibly other foreign investigators but he will be dumb enough to tell 8 people that he wants them to "case" several buildings so that he may bomb them.
Somehow that doesn't seem realistic to me. And anybody who believes such a story is a moron.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
5 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Must Be Stopped
read more | digg story
Trillanes wants to hold hearings
"More than 84 bills, including one that will raise the salaries of the more than one million government employees, are dead in the water as detained Senator Antonio Trillanes IV is not allowed to conduct public hearings in his detention cell at the Marine brig in Fort Bonifacio, his chief of staff said."which is why
"Trillanes... has submitted a formal complaint before the Senate after the Armed Forces of the Philippines stopped him from holding a hearing at the Marine brig headquarters on September 27 (as a) way of seeking help in his situation."If Sen. Trillanes is really concerned about the bills, he would let the Vice-chairman of his committee to conduct the hearings on his behalf since he is indisposed.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Mind of Sen. Lacson
"Reacting to dares for him to present proof of his claims that police intelligence funds were given out to lawmakers and governors in Malacañang last month, Senator Panfilo Lacson said it is the Philippine National Police (PNP) that should prove all its funds are accounted for."This remark gives us some insight on the record of the Philippine Anti-Crime Commission (PACC). This is probably the same mindset that he employed as head of the PACC, if the suspected criminals were not able to prove their innocence, they are automatically branded as guilty.
Rise of the Glorietta Truthers
Mr. Laurel started by reminding his readers of Mariannet Amper, the child who committed suicide because of her family's poverty juxtaposed with the amount of debt service our country pays out. And the surge in profit of one of the Lopez' companies. I would have sympathized more if he had other arguments aside from an appeal to emotion.
But then again, when he writes sentences like
" my own discussions with President Estrada, the still and only legitimate president of this country, who commits to the institution of debt moratorium as soon as the opportunity arises."or
"While ambitious leaders with Gloria clash and claw at each other to get the lion’s share of the plunder and power. Only President Estrada is going to the people, other opposition “leaders” only brush elbows with the elite’s Black and White."you lose credibility as someone who thinks of the poor children when you acknowledge a convicted plunderer as your legitimate President. And is the camp of Sen. Trillanes so starved of followers that they need Mr. Laurel in their camp?
But to the denialism. Mr Laurel decries the obeisance of a radio program to the "FBI’s cover up in Glo II bombing." So rather than arguing the evidence which at least the Ayala's do. Mr. Laurel lists a number inept FBI investigations like the Anthrax letters, the Richard Jewell case, and the
"self-inflicted 9/11 WTC “terror attacks” which was really controlled demolition."The first two are real cases, the first one is still unsolved, the second one got out of hand due to media coverage not to FBI ineptness. But the third one is a big one, the controlled demolition theory is one of many theories on the 9/11 attacks that has been debunked.
If you believe that a convicted plunderer is still the legitimate President of the Philippines, and that the US government will deliberately kill thousands of their own citizens, then it is not a stretch for you to believe that the Philippine government engineered the explosion in Glorietta even against all the evidence against it.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Wind Talker
At least at that time, he talked with unnamed "reliable sources", in his latest front page adventure, he just talks about "information he gathered" that told him the cash gifts from the administration came from the "P1-billion intelligence funds of the Police Security Protection Office (PSPO) and the Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response (PACER)." Presumably, he gathered the information from people and not the wind, though since he doesn't say, he may have been talking to the wind.
He does not offer any shred of evidence that the money actually comes from the PNP. No disbursement ledger, no receipts, no witnesses, nothing. He does not even try to give any hint where evidence may be gathered. Rather, he wants the Senate to investigate his allegations, to get more his mug on the front page.
Update: 11-13-2007
The Inquirer has an update on this story where they reference a source who does not want to be identified.
"One of the biggest sources of the money distributed in Malacañang was the Bureau of Customs, according to a source, whose rank is equivalent to a general in the military. The source did not want to be named owing to the sensitivity of the issue.If the Inquirer's story is true, that the money was coursed through the counterinsurgency program of the PNP. Senator Lacson's allegatio that it was through the intelligence fund cannot be true. It may be argued we shouldn't quibble over details, the PNP is still involved. But God and the Devil is in the details. You should not accuse an office, of criminal activity if it was not involved in the activity, even if the true culprit is an office within the same agency. Which is why he needs to get more evidence before spouting off. It can only make him look trigger happy.
According to the police official, the money was entered as a “special fund” in the PNP budget, purported as an item for the PNP’s counterinsurgency program in support of the military’s own campaign.
The checks for the fund were cleared in the name of the PNP in July, the source said. The money was later transferred to the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the source added."
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Militant group warns senators against voting for JPEPA
I'm sure the senators are now quaking in their boots with this warning because of the left had been successful in campaigning against Senators Enrile and Lacson.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pakistan's Politics Made Simple
read more | digg story
Thursday, November 08, 2007
got pride?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Get 1 million $ the easy way
Tip No. 10. Do have paranormal powers.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
"That is akin to a violation of the freedom [of expression] of an individual which is guaranteed by the Constitution,''Pero ano nga ba ang karapatang ginagarantiyahan ng ating Saligang Batas? Ayon sa Article 3, Section 2:
"No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances."Alin sa taas ang nilabag ng NPC? Wala. Ang mural ay kinomisyon nila, sila na ang may ari nito. Karapatan nilang baguhin yung mural. Karapatan nilang itapon yung mural kung gusto nila.
Sa opinyon ko kaipokritohan iyon, lalo na para sa isang organisasyon na nagsusulong ng karapatan sa pamamahayag, pero opinyon ko lang iyon. Sa opinyon nila ok lang iyon. Walang karapatan ang Kongreso na sabihin sa kanila na huwag pakialaman yung sarili nilang pag-aari. Kaya huwag na nating aksayahin ang oras ng Kongreso para ungkatin pa kung ano ang nangyari.
Ang Piso
Mahirap talagang ispelengin ang economics.
Mag Isip naman kayo
Ha? Sumakit tuloy ang ulo ko. Ibig bang sabihin ni Senador Lacson lahat ng kasapi at naging kasapi ng isang fraternity ay magkakakilala? Anong klaseng logic yan? Nag-iisip ba itong mga Senador natin? Simpleng logic naman, it does not follow, sa latin, non sequitur.
Kahapon lang sumakit din ang ulo ko kay Senador Trillanes, at sa kanyang witness, minanmanan niya ang Glorietta samakatwid ang Gobyerno ang nagpasabog dito. Diba, logical.
Diyos ko. At bakit pinapabayaan ng mga diyaryo na magbigay ng mga ganitong klaseng pahayag ang mga senador na ito. Dapat pinagtatawanan lang itong mga ganitong klaseng pahayag para matuto sila at sa susunod ay magdala ng mas matibay na katibayan.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Jinggoy to block judges who convicted Erap from SC
"Senate President Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada on Monday vowed to block the appointment to the Supreme Court of the Sandiganbayan anti-graft court justices who convicted his father, former president Joseph Estrada, of plunder."If anybody is wondering, yes I am being sarcastic.
"The witness told ABS-CBN News correspondent Jay Ruiz that he surrendered to the government and worked for a special operations group of National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales along with members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines-National Capital Region Command (AFP-NCRCom) from 2004-2006.And Senator Trillanes believed this story? This guy, by his own admission only monitored the security of different Malls, and reported his findings to his superiors. And from there, he comes to the conclusion that his superiors ordered the bombing of the Mall with the least security. Yes, that would be my conclusion too, if I were a nut.
He claimed that his job was to monitor a number of malls in Metro Manila, including the Glorietta shopping complex.
"Tinitignan ko ang security sa Glorietta, sabi ko sa report pinaka-mahina ang security sa Glorietta (I monitored the security of Glorietta and reported that it had the weakest)," Ramos said.
While admitting he has no solid-proof evidence, Ramos is convinced the surveillance job is linked to the Glorietta blast."
Maybe we should be more generous with Ronald Ramos alias Abdul Rackham, after all, he was a member of the Raja Solaiman Movement. The previous times he monitored buildings was probably with the intention of bombing them. He probably does not understand the concept of monitoring various buildings with the idea of protecting them.
But in his statement, Senator Trillanes says that he has
"information obtained from my own network of informants in the AFP and the intelligence community.”Is this person his network? If not, is he the best proof his network of informants in the AFP intelligence community can produce? After weeks of posturing? This is his proof?
I will make a deal with Senator Trillanes however, I will believe him if he can produce the bomb materials that the PNP, the Australians et al. were unable to find. With his retinue of AFP informants, that should be easy.
Sunday, November 04, 2007

I've been a fan of Asimov for over a decade now and the book was priced at only 30 pesos so even though I know I already own a copy, I still bought it. I always reason out that I can always present duplicate books as presents to friends. Now when I got home I saw that not only did I one copy, I already have two, with different covers.

Now I don't know what version I will give out. In the end I will probably just keep them all.
My Desktop
Originally uploaded by roychoco
After installing Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon yesterday, I made a few tweaks to the system.
1. Installed Kubuntu Restricted extras to get MP3 playback and decoding, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create compressed audio files).
2. Installed Microsoft core fonts.
3. Installed rar and 7zip support
4. Installed showFoto, the best simple photo editing software I've used
5. Installed Comix viewer for reading Manga
6. Installed wine so I can run some windows applications
7. Installed 7zip, the only windows app I migrated to linux.
Reflecting on the upgrade, there were no radical increase in usability from Feisty to Gutsy. I was carried away with the launch of a new version and should have waited for the next version after Gutsy before upgrading.
Not that there are any problems with Gutsy, it installed easily and recognized all my hardware. But Feisty did that too, and I've already personalized Feisty's settings to my liking. Now I'm starting over with Gutsy, of course if the online upgrade worked, all my settings should have been imported.
Bottom line, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Update: November 5, 2007, 12:19 am
K, the symbol of the Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, the organization that initiated the struggle for Philippine independence from colonial rule is now considered by the National Press Club as a leftist symbol.
Maybe the NPC should commission MLQ3 to teach their members history.
Update 10-05-2007
ABS-CBN Interactive has a picture of the mural and the before and after pictures of the alterations.
I have to say, their Andres Bonifacio does not look like Ka Boni to me so it is understandable that the NPC mistake the alibata tattooed on him to be the symbol of Kabataang Makabayan, an underground organization allied with the National Democratic Front (NDF) and the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Upgrading to Gutsy 2
10:16 pm: Finished installation about an hour after I started, I tried to update this post but Konqueror kept crashing when I go to blogger to update. So I installed Firefox through the add-remove utility. But my back-up of Firefox's configuration file was in my windows partition, and I did not want to start browsing without my bookmarks and add-ons. Tried to mount the windows hard drive but I forgot that you had to install the "NTFS configuration tool" to be able to mount NTFS partitions. So I installed it, but I also forgot that it's default configuration is for gnome, Seven Capital sins explains the problem and the solution
"The command used in the menu to launch ntfs-config was “gksu ntfs-config”. I replaced that with “kdesu ntfs-config”After I replaced the command, I was able to mount the drive, copy the Firefox config and update this post.
While copying the Firefox config file, I found out that Dolphin, the new default file manager for does not allow you to show hidden files (update: found out that it actually does allow you to show hidden files), so I reverted to Konqueror as my default file manager Sathya Says explains how to make dolphin your default file manager, you just reverse the process to make Konqueror your default file manager.
I will probably be making other tweaks to Gutsy for the next several days .
First part is here continuation here
Randy David on the Estrada Pardon
Long quotes
"What is important in the long term is the conscientiousness with which our society applies the distinction between law and politics. On it rests our ability to handle more complex and troublesome situations in the future. Parallel developments are taking place in other spheres of our national life. Our economy is demonstrating a remarkable autonomy that accounts for its steadiness in the face of political crises. Our justice system is trying painfully to become self-directing in its own sphere, despite the overt politicization of its prosecutorial agencies. It is our political system that has seemed unable to insulate itself from the effects of inherited inequalities, and to keep its operations from spilling into other institutions."
"Realizing its marginal role in Philippine elections, the middle class, the harbinger of modernity, has favored non-electoral modes for effecting transitions -- people power, impeachment, coups, calls for resignation, etc. It is this class that gave the country its two women presidents: Cory Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, both of them the beneficiaries of people power."
"But people power is caught in a paradox, which limits its potency. Its spontaneous and unorganized character, driven by a strong moralism, is the source of its vitality. It is also its fundamental weakness. Middle class activism seldom leads to anything sustainable, like the formation of mainstream political parties. Even when, to its own surprise, it scores electoral victories, as in the case of Fr. Ed Panlilio’s successful run for governor ofPampanga province, the engagement tends to stop at the polls. Without a party on which to anchor itself, the middle class espousal of modern governance is quickly drowned out by the pragmatics of political patronage. No wonder, in the end, “trapo” [traditional politicos] like Ms Arroyo and Estrada will always find it easier to deal with one another."
Tsismis (Gossip)
Then there are the tsismis issues. Almost immediately after the appointment of Judge Macarambon, Senator Lacson issued a statement that he will block his appointment in the Commission on Appointments. His reason? Because he was informed by reliable sources that the Judge was the protege of former COMELEC Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.
He may or may not have proof of their relationship, Judge Macarambon has denied the allegation, I just wished he would have gathered more evidence before mouthing off. Now he was forced to issue a statement that he will apologize if he is proven wrong. The problem of course is that he did not specify what evidence will convince him that he is wrong, so he can weasel out of apologizing just by saying he is not convinced by the evidence.
But this is not an isolated incidence in the Philippines. Senator Trillanes used the same tactics when he accused National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and AFP Chief of Staff Hermogenes Esperon of bombing the Glorietta Mall. He has been proven wrong, but we see no move on his part to retract his accusations.
Senator Cayetano, when he was a Congressman famously accused First Gentleman Mike arroyo of having millions of dollars in deposit in secret bank accounts abroad. When challenged to prove his allegation, all he produced was his own fart.
But headlining (the act of trying to make the headline with unfounded accusations) will not go away, after all, it did land Cayetano a Senate seat, and Senator Lacson is aiming for the Presidency.
New Links
The Must Read posts are still on top, these are in my opinion the best posts I've read from my reading list, then I list some personal pages of mine followed by my friends blogs.
Pinoy blogs follow, these blogs usually discuss current issues in the Philippines. They are followed by the Science blogs which discuss science usually biology and evolution which is understandable since I stumbled into these blogs from reading "The Panda's Thumb" a site dedicated to fighting the misinformation propagated by the Intelligent Design movement.
Then there are the Skepticism blogs, which I merged with debunking sites like Quackwatch and the Urban Legends Reference Page. When you read them, theres a lot of overlap with the Science blogs and the Skeptic blogs because their both wedded to the idea that the scientific method is key in investigating any phenomena.
Then there's the Technology blogs which right now consists of two entries, and the comics which have three entries.
If you have time, please feel free to visit them. You will not be disappointed.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Holiday Econ Busted
It turns out however that there is no economic benefit from this policy. In fact
"HOLIDAY economics appears to have a “negative and insignificant” outcome on tourism activities and employment, according to a paper presented during the recent 10th National Convention on Statistics."so let us end this nonsense and celebrate Bonifacio day when it's supposed to be celebrated.
Business Mirror has an Editorial on this.
Poison or Cure? Religious Belief in the Modern World
"The Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University hosted a debate between writer Christopher Hitchens and Oxford University professor Alister McGrath on the role of religious belief in the modern world. The debate was held on October 11, 2007 in Gaston Hall, in Georgetown University's Healy Hall."
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Trillanes, liar or just gulllible?
On another press release the next day he writes
“As a person, and now as an elected lawmaker, I do not just make statements out of pique, or without anything to stand on, or to grandstand. I have information obtained from my own network of informants in the AFP and the intelligence community.”When the Philippine National Police (PNP) presented their findings that the blast was actually an accident and not deliberate he still insisted that his version of the story is the true one
"Insisting that he knows certain information that would point to National Security adviser Norberto Gonzales and AFP chief of staff Hermogenes Esperon as possible authors of the Glorietta 2 blast, and brushing aside criticisms of his accusation as being irresponsible and without basis, opposition senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV today said he will prove his accusations in a Senate investigation."They even wrote to the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) protesting an editorial cartoon
"The Inquirer editorial cartoon showing Sen. Antonio F. Trillanes IV thinking aloud that he needs to “rework” his “strategy of speaking without thinking” (Inquirer, 10/24/07) may be an expression of opinion, but it is also a presumption of the senator’s frame of mind toward his work. It has completely no basis.To be fair, not a lot of Filipinos immediately believed the PNP report that the blast was an accident. Filipinos are a cynical bunch when it comes to their government. The PDI itself urged the PNP not to rush to any conclusion. A corroborating agency was required to support the PNP.
It is flatly false because Trillanes did not whip out of thin air his charge that Norberto Gonzales and Hermogenes Esperon have something to do with the Glorietta 2 explosion. He has received credible and reliable information about this and is prepared to tell all that he knows and is ready to present his witnesses in an investigation to be conducted by an independent, impartial and credible body. He has, in fact, made a step further. He will present his witnesses in a Senate probe and has filed a resolution to this effect."
Today, the PDI itself obtained a copy of the report of the Australian Forensic Police (AFP), that concluded that
“there was no evidence to suggest that the explosion had been caused and/or initiated by an improvised explosive device.”I think, that settles the question. The Australian Forensic Police has backed up the conclusion of the Philippine National Police.
Where then did Senator Trillanes find his witnesses against National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and AFP Chief of Staff Hermogenes Esperon? Did he make them up to get himself in the front pages of the papers or were they real and he was just a dupe for people who wanted to destabilize the Philippine government and replace the sitting President? Are there other explanations that does not make him look crazy or stupid?
Whatever the truth is, this proves that he should not have been elected Senator of the Philippines. It proves that he's almost as out of control as Senator Santiago.
I just saw the poll that they are running on the blog asking their readers
"What do you think caused the Glorietta 4 explosion?"88% believes that "A bomb planted by State Sponsored Operatives" was the cause of the explosion.
I am not sure if any corroborating evidence, even by the FBI will convince these people that the explosion was an accident. I may be witnessing my first ever Philippine conspiracy theory akin to the 9/11 truthers in the United States.
Latest from the Best Page in the Universe
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read more | digg story
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Start of (Fantasy) NBA season
Anyway, like the real NBA, this will be a long season, its a marathon, not a sprint. Maybe I'll muster more enthusiasm as the season goes on.
Kevin Smith Protests Dogma
via digg
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Affirmative Action
This is the first job opening I have ever seen where you need to be gay to qualify for the position.
One reason I see for this qualification is so that the waiters will not hit on the GROs. The other explanation of course is that the owner practices affirmative action to make up for all the discriminations gays experience in the Philippines
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Arroyo grants pardon to Estrada
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo granted pardon to the 70-year-old deposed leader following a recommendation by the Department of Justice (DoJ), Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye said in a press conference on national television.Ahhhhhh!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Upgrading to Gutsy
Woke up at 5:00 am, downloading was finished and the installation was starting. Installatin was stopped however by a dialogue window that informs me that if I wanted to use MS corefonts for printing I will have to configure Defoma (debian font manager)
I closed the dialogue window and installation continued.
Shortly after that, I get another dialogue window which informs me that it could not install a 'debconf', installation will continue but "debconf may be in a not working state"
Was given the option to report the bug, tried to, when I clicked the button, Kkonqueror seemed to be start but eventually nothing happened. Clicked the button again, same thing happened. Clicked to close the dialogue window, what else can I do?
Another dialogue box this time informing me that /var/cahche/apt/archives/x11......debpackage cannot be installed. I just closed the box.
Another dialogue box that informs me that it could not install x11 common becuase of "dependency problems" and "x11 common will be left unconfigured.
Clicked to report the bug, same thing happened as before, apparently nothing. So I closed the box.
5:11 AM, its configuring libselinux1 and theres 7 hours and 27 minutes to go in the installation.
5:31 am, it's still configuring libselinux1.
5:53 am, still configuring libselinux1. I think it's stuck and there is no option to cancel.
5:57 am, still stuck, will try to restart and see what happens, hopefully, nothing major.
6:01 am, was warned that my system could be unusable if I stopped the upgrade, was given the option to continue the upgrade, picked yes but the system still rebooted. Now I cannot use adept because another process is using it.
6:30 am , apparently, I did make my system unusable. when I restarted, all I get is a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Any help to get out of this mess will be appreciated.
7:36 pm, After some browsing at ubuntu forums, I came to the conclusion that it would be easiest for me to just download a Kubuntu ISO, burn it to disk and install from there. I will have to boot up with my trusty Knoppix cd and burn my files to cd.
Update: October 30, 2007
I'm updating this post using my trusty Knoppix live cd. I've been burning my files to dvd for two days (18 DVDs so far) and it's not yet finished. And I am loathe to just throw out the things I don't use anymore, so I back all of them up and I've accumulated a lot of them. I know, I should have been backing up my files religiously and definitely should have backed them up before attempting the upgrade. But I didn't, so I'm doing it now, whidh is a pain, which is probably why I was not doing it before :).
I have also been distracted with playing Civilization, rediscovered that I had that game installed in my windows partition and have been struggling against the "one more turn" syndrome.
Bottom line, should be finished upgrading by the end of the week.
Continued here and here