Friday, August 25, 2006

The consequences of allowing Porn

First it was gays now its porn, my going to hell has become a real possibility. :)

Dispatches from the Culture Wars informs us about a new study that "points out, rape has decreased by 85% since 1970, while pornography has become vastly more available and more popular."

He also warns us that correlation does not necessarily mean causation so be warned.

Update 10/05/2006

Here is an article by James McConvill who actually read the study.

1 comment:

Rådgivende ingeniørfirma said...

Yeah that's true, there's a lot of consequences of allowing porn not here in the Philippines but around the world. We can see that prostitute women will become younger of age. Its simply because children watch it in the movie, exploring the internet and reading it in the tabloids. It's sad to say that our government not doing a first precaution to stop this exploitation and stopping our young women to become the hospitality girl (POKPOK,PAGIRPIR) what ever. Thanks for posting and I have share my opinion regarding this.